BCG in the News

905 Results


    Antonio Varas (BCG): "Las criptomonedas son solo la punta del iceberg en la escasez mundial de chips"

    Antonio Varas, Managing Director and Senior Partner de Boston Consulting Group reflexiona para el elEconomista sobre la compleja crisis que atañe actualmente al sector de semiconductores y su mayor enclave de producción; Antonio Varas analiza factores como la evolución de precios del sector, las mayores amenazas de la Industria o la escasez de talento para hacer frente a la demanda.


    What COVID Taught Us About Wellness and Why Employers Should Do Even More

    In her column for Forbes, BCG’s Deborah Lovich continues her mission to convince organizations to use the COVID-19 crisis to change the way we work. Citing BCG survey data, she argues that companies need to act urgently—particularly in response to the great number of women leaving the labor force due to struggles with working from home—by focusing on employee well-being and the necessity of childcare assistance. Lovich says, “it’s time for [companies] to recognize that they should have been doing this all along and look for ways to step it up even further.”


    How the US Can Quickly Prevent Half a Million COVID Deaths Around the World

    In their piece for Fortune, BCG’s Rich Lesser and Marin Gjaja propose a plan for US leaders and vaccine manufacturers to redistribute excess vaccine supply, potentially saving half a million lives around the world. They urge the global COVAX initiative to use its legal and operational frameworks to act now and donate excess vaccine doses to countries in need. Lesser and Gjaja emphasize that the current challenge is to ensure COVID-19 vaccines “also become one of our greatest humanitarian and public health achievements.”

    The Edge Singapore

    Scaling Climate Finance and the Opportunity for Singapore's Financial Sector

    For The Edge Singapore, BCG’s Dave Sivaprasad and Andrew Hardie write about Singapore’s potential to become a global leader in sustainable and climate financing. They discuss a report from BCG and GFMA which revealed a $5 trillion annual climate financing need over the next three decades to transition to a low-carbon economy, and they assert that Singapore “offers fertile ground for climate financing success.” Sivaprasad and Hardie identify ten key actions for banks and capital market firms to undertake as they drive toward a “climate-positive future.”

    AP News

    Shift to Electric Vehicles Accelerates

    In an AP News article syndicated by nearly 150 other media outlets, BCG’s Aakash Arora and Nathan Niese discuss the findings of their BCG study on electric vehicle adoption. The transportation industry is a major producer of CO2 emissions, so EV adoption will be crucial for President Biden’s goal of cutting US emissions in half by 2030. But the transition isn’t occurring fast enough to meet that goal. The BCG data shows that while EV sales are projected to rise from 12% of the global market in 2020 to 47% in 2025, “if half of new cars sold around the world in 2035 are zero-emission vehicles, 70% of the vehicles on roads will still be burning gasoline or diesel.”


    The Future of Sustainable Investment in China

    BCG’s Baiping Chen sits down with CGTN to share his insights on prospective sustainable investments in China as the country aims to be carbon neutral by 2060. Chen says “penetration of ESG related investment in China is still quite low” compared to the rest of the world, but that opportunities exist. He believes ESG investment is the future for Chinese companies that are looking to reduce pollution and achieve carbon neutrality.


    Why “Great” is No Longer Good Enough

    Companies that attend to total societal impact (TSI) “generate better returns, are more valuable, and have an easier time attracting capital,” BCG’s Arindam Bhattacharya writes in his article for BusinessWorld. He shares the findings of BCG’s research, which uncovered three TSI approaches that dozens of global companies have taken to enhance their social impact while delivering strong shareholder returns and growth: build innovative business models, retool processes and functions, and partner with local governments.


    Hurry, Time is Running Out to Lock in the Benefits of Remote Work

    In her column for Forbes, BCG’s Deborah Lovich asks business leaders a big question: “Do we really want to go back?” Instead of downplaying some of the new and improved ways of working today, she suggests leaders should be looking at the benefits of remote work to catapult their organizations forward. Lovich proposes three questions leaders should be asking as the pandemic slows and workers return to the office.


    La revolución de Zara, Ikea, Mercadona y El Corte Inglés

    En los últimos cuarenta años se ha consolidado en España un modelo en el que el tamaño ha sido una ventaja competitiva diferencial, pero las claves del éxito en los últimos años ya no son las mismas que rigen el comercio en la actualidad. Alimentación, moda y hostelería se enfrentan a un cambio de paradigma marcado por la tecnología y la revolución digital y la manera de afrontarlo será decisiva para definir los liderazgos futuros, Joan Sol, Managing Director and Partner de Boston Consulting Group reflexiona junto a otros expertos sobre la revolución del gran consumo en Expansión.

    The Jakarta Post

    Unlocking the value of RI's substantial renewable energy potential

    The combined potential of key renewable technologies in Indonesia stands at a remarkable 400GW. Solar is likely to be the largest driver of this growth, with a maximum viable installed base of 200GW, up from less than 0.2GW today. Wind could provide up to 61GW of potential installed capacity, up from 0.1GW today. Yet to leverage this huge untapped renewable energy potential does come with notable challenges for operators and green energy investors.