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Companies thrive by expanding, not shrinking. Yet shedding assets can create substantial benefits. The crucial factor: handling divestitures adeptly. BCG delivers strategic and financial insight throughout the divestiture process, enabling both the parent and the new business to succeed.

Our deep industry expertise and immersion in our clients’ businesses enable us to assist you in creating a divestiture strategy that extends from an initial portfolio review through the wrap-up of the optimal deal.

Our Approach to Divestiture Consulting

BCG has a record of successful divestitures in every major industry, and our clients find that involving us can unlock substantial value. Our divestiture consultants understand how to identify prospective buyers and assess businesses beyond the obvious metrics, which can shift your targets and maximize what they’re willing to pay. And by working shoulder-to-shoulder with clients, we free you to focus on what matters most: your core business.

Our highly tailored approach is the antithesis of a business divestiture checklist. We deliver end-to-end support for the corporate divestiture process and deal execution in two broad categories: creating the case for a divestiture and unlocking value during the exit process.

Creating the Case

Unlocking the Value

In the case of a trade sale, we conduct intensive vendor due diligence to deliver an independent assessment that can guide prospective bidders’ decisions. Our objective, highly reputable opinion of a unit’s value and prospects raises the confidence of would-be buyers—and often the price they’re willing to pay.

Finally, we support you throughout the divestiture agreement process and interaction with bidders to close the optimal deal.

Our Insights on Divestitures

Four Elements for Assessing Readiness for a Divestiture Deal

Four elements must be in place to ensure a successful divestiture.

Meet Our Divestiture Consultants

Our divestiture consultants help clients maximize the value of their deals while enabling their core business to thrive. Here are some of our divestiture experts.

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