Our Approach to Emerging Tech
Augmented and Virtual Reality
AR and VR technology transforms how businesses visualize and use data—perfect for creating value in health care, manufacturing, retail, and other industries. BCG experts work to integrate the right strategy with the right AR/VR technology for a company's mission.
The metaverse is coming. Forward-looking companies are zeroing in on how to use its available components to transform their business right now. They're making smart investments and seeing them pay off.
Artificial Intelligence
Only 10% of companies report significant benefits from their AI deployments. BCG guides clients to execute better decision making, extract value from algorithms and ML, and invest in human capabilities to make the future technologies perform to their fullest.
Quantum Computing
In the coming decades, quantum computing promises to create more than $450 billion of value annually. Leaders should consider where and how quantum computing will create business value and what changes are looming.
Blockchain is only starting to live up its billing, with applications ranging from supply chains to inventory management. Our approach can help companies deploy blockchain independently or in concert with experienced providers.
Internet of Things
The Internet of Things is unlocking previously inaccessible sources of value for enterprises in areas such as new revenue streams, safety, and improved customer experience.
Synthetic Biology
Synthetic biology represents a steep change in biopharma. Applications of this emerging tech are also driving change in fields such as agriculture, where it could help ensure a reliable food supply to the world's growing populations.
Cloud Computing
Increasingly common in industries globally, cloud computing continues to deliver lower costs and high-performance technology engagement through on-demand software and technology solutions. BCG finds the best model for your business—affordable, scalable, and secure.
Architected Materials
Architected materials utilize the control of structures across length scales to achieve unprecedented properties and performance. For example, electromagnetic metamaterials can enable new sensing, communications, and medical devices. We help clients use these materials to unlock revolutionary product designs and user experiences.
Photonics and Electronics
Innovations in photonics and electronics occur constantly, bringing new hardware to fields like defense, aerospace, and telecommunications. These emerging concepts show great potential in the development of alternate energy sources and sustainability—an area of specialty for BCG.
Universal Printing
Universal Printing encompasses combinations of new and existing processes to fabricate materials and objects using controlled, patterned, and additive deposition of material. These processes are most powerful when they span multiple length scales and utilize different types of materials.
Our Early Access to Emerging Tech
Scouting Ecosystems
Ecosystems are evolving quickly, and companies need to act decisively when disruptive technologies become available. We constantly scout the deep tech ecosystem and university labs for the latest technological developments.
Combining Emerging Technologies
Discovering synergies among emerging technologies can propel a company into the upper echelon of digital leaders. The key is to think at the intersection of technologies. For example, our research shows that quantum tunneling combined with IoT can reduce manufacturing complexity by a factor of 10 and increase data flow by a factor of 1,000.
Focusing on Ideation
The answers to profoundly difficult questions often lurk in the “in-between” areas. We work closely with clients to achieve technological breakthroughs on previously unsolvable challenges. BCG’s creative matrix enables teams to generate a large number of ideas, and a unique emerging technology strategy, to address an unmet need—before testing these ideas with real users.
Our Client Work in Emerging Technologies
Our Insights on Emerging Tech