BCG in the News

903 Results

    Khaleej Times

    UAE is a Leader in Creating Inclusive Societies for Women

    BCG’s Maya El Hachem tells the Khaleej Times that all stakeholders have a role to play in advancing gender balance and women’s empowerment in the workplace. She details the ways in which women themselves, the private sector, and governments can introduce measures for improvement. El Hachem explains that the UAE is a great example of how all these stakeholders are coming together, especially senior Emirati women, who are serving as role models.

    HuffPost Canada

    BCG Survey Reveals New Top Destination for People Moving for Work

    Canada has replaced the US as the most desirable location for migrants moving for work, according to a BCG survey. The survey found that countries that managed COVID-19 outbreaks more effectively rose in popularity as desirable working locations. In HuffPost Canada, BCG’s Rainer Strack explains that the survey also revealed that fewer people are willing to relocate for work. He says, “with the rise of remote working, many may feel that they can further their careers virtually, without needing to move at all.”


    Los empleados exigen líderes con más corazón

    María López, Managing Director & Partner de Boston Consulting Group, reflexiona en Expansión sobre un reciente estudio de BCG que refleja tres tipos principales de cualidades de liderazgo en las empresas: estratégicas (head), humanísticas / relacionadas con la gestión de personas (heart) y de ejecución / consecución de resultados (hands). “Enfatizar las capacidades relacionadas con la gestión de personas ha sido una tendencia al alza en los últimos años. La pandemia ha acelerado la transición hacia una nueva era en el liderazgo y no hay vuelta atrás. El líder del futuro se caracterizará por la combinación de una visión firme pero flexible, sólidas habilidades de liderazgo práctico y empatía profunda”.