BCG in the News

947 Results


    Un estilo de liderazgo diferente para una nueva forma de trabajar

    El liderazgo y la diversidad se han convertido en las grandes palancas de innovación y crecimiento para las empresas. El pasado 29 de Octubre cinco mujeres líderes con el denominador común de haber estado en Boston Consulting Group en alguna de sus etapas profesionales conversaron en un encuentro digital sobre Liderazgo y diversidad en las nuevas formas de trabajo, organizado por el diario Expansión en colaboración con Boston Consulting Group España, como parte del ciclo Ideas para una Nueva Realidad.


    Time to End Virtual Happy Hour? Not So Fast

    In her column for Forbes, BCG’s Deborah Lovich considers what makes virtual socializing successful as online happy hours become the new norm. After surveying hundreds of her coworkers, she shares her findings on combating Zoom fatigue. She explains that virtual socializing works when people share a genuine connection, functions are well organized, and events are optional instead of mandatory. The most striking theme, Lovich writes, is to focus on making it personal.

    Australian Financial Review

    Boards Must Step Up on Cybersecurity

    “Cyber risk has moved from fundamentally a technology issue to being a strategic enterprise risk issue,” BCG’s Paul O’Rourke tells the Australian Financial Review. He believes companies are spending too much money to protect against cyber-attacks in the wrong areas. Companies need strategic knowledge of both cyber and business strategy, he emphasizes. O’Rourke outlines BCG’s evidence-based cyber strategy, which helps boards identify how much and where to allocate resources to mitigate risk.


    A Plan for Facing the Long COVID Winter

    As cold weather approaches, how the US manages the current surge of COVID-19 cases will set the stage for the rest of the pandemic, BCG’s CEO Rich Lesser and Marin Gjaja write for Fortune. They explain that communities need to act boldly, collectively, and decisively to save lives over the coming weeks. Lesser and Gjaja emphasize the need for a new strategy that addresses epidemiological and economic threats and integrates health, social, and economic imperatives until vaccines can end the pandemic.

    Yahoo! Finance

    CEOs Hope for “Real Unity” After the Election

    BCG’s CEO Rich Lesser tells Yahoo Finance that the business community will work with the next administration to sustain economic growth and help industries rebound from the pandemic. The US faces huge challenges following the election, the most immediate being the pandemic, Lesser asserts. He emphasizes that the country needs to focus on an economic stimulus package and then on medium-term challenges, such as climate, infrastructure, immigration, racial equity, and trade. Lesser says CEOs are hoping to unify around a plan to get things under control.

    The Nation

    Accelerating Digital Transformation of Thai Businesses

    In a study conducted in partnership with Thailand Management Association (TMA), BCG found that the majority (42%) of Thai companies are still in the early stages of their digital transformation, so far pursuing only isolated digital use cases. However, Thai companies are moving toward an important inflection point and are on the brink of harnessing substantial value from digital transformation. In a guest column on The Nation, BCG’s Benjamin Fingerle writes about the role of digital transformation in boosting Thailand’s competitiveness in the global marketplace.

    Why the Global Economy Is Recovering Faster Than Expected

    Despite fears of a systemic meltdown due to the pandemic and lockdowns, global recovery has been stronger and faster than many predicted. Writing for, BCG’s Philip Carlsson-Szlezak, Paul Swartz, and Martin Reeves explain that while monitoring the overall macro landscape remains important, leaders should focus on measuring, interpreting, and exploiting the dynamics of their sectors and markets in order to invest and recover after the pandemic.

    China Daily

    China’s Road to Carbon Neutrality

    China must take immediate action if it is to reach carbon neutrality by 2060, BCG’s Lars Fæste writes for China Daily. He states that China will need to increase investment significantly, develop new technologies, and push for stronger public awareness of climate issues to achieve this goal. He believes that China’s ambitious climate commitment is obtainable with the nation’s existing capabilities in nuclear power, solar, wind, and new energy vehicles. Fæste asserts that, as a major carbon emitter, China’s strategies and measures in the future will undoubtedly have a major impact on the world.


    BCG’s CEO on Top Issues Weighing on the C-Suite

    Business leaders hope to work with the new administration to sustain economic growth and help industries rebound from the pandemic, BCG’s CEO Rich Lesser tells Bloomberg. He believes that although most business leaders will view the new administration as a change, the way they judge that change will largely depend on where things stand three to five months after the election. His most pressing advice to the new administration is that building diversity in leadership teams leads to better outcomes. “If he were to build a more diverse leadership team of different perspectives, the country will go further faster,” Lesser says.

    Bangkok Post

    Rising Sun Startups

    For innovative Japanese companies looking beyond their home market, Southeast Asia is a high-potential choice. ASEAN has become one of the world’s most vibrant startup ecosystems—topped only by the US and China. “The importance of ASEAN as a new startup hub becomes especially evident when looking at the investment flows of venture capital being injected into early-stage companies across Southeast Asia," BCGDV’s Hanno Stegmann tells Bangkok Post. Last year, there was roughly $15 billion in total venture capital funding across Southeast Asia. Annually, there are about 1,000 Series A investments in the region.


    Impacto social o resultados financieros. ¿Es necesario elegir?

    En los albores de 2020, la triple sostenibilidad (económica, social, medioambiental) y el impacto social eran una parte ineludible de las agendas de la mayoría de las empresas. Unos meses más tarde, tras la irrupción de la COVID-19, muchas de ellas se ven ante la encrucijada de seguir priorizando dichos objetivos o centrarse en su supervivencia y la conservación de sus resultados. Sin embargo, ¿hay realmente que elegir?

    Hindustan Times

    The India Moment in the $100 Billion Club

    In his coauthored guest column, BCG’s Janmejaya Sinha tells the Hindustan Times that there is a major geopolitical business opportunity after two Indian firms entered the $100 billion market capitalization club. He states that the 2020s could be the “US-India decade” with a major partnership in technology that opens a “fundamental geopolitical business opportunity.” Sinha is hopeful for the possibility of a US-India tech partnership that taps into existing talent and underlying national governance based on democratic values.

    The Washington Post

    Mediocre Vaccine Rollout May Delay Recovery

    A recent BCG report indicates that significant work remains to get through the pandemic. BCG’s CEO, Rich Lesser, tells The Washington Post that Americans, in particular, should expect another full year of “suspended new normal.” The report indicates that the most likely scenario for the US is a “good-but-not-great rollout” of a vaccine, which would delay defeating the pandemic until the first quarter of 2022. An even longer setback is possible due to less effective trials and delayed authorization and distribution of the vaccines. “I expect a year from now there will be a lot of reasons to be optimistic, and we'll go into next winter feeling very different than we’re going into this winter,” says Lesser.