BCG in the News

905 Results


    If the US Had Handled COVID-19 Like Europe Did, 60,000 Americans Would Still Be Alive

    In his guest column for Fortune, BCG’s CEO, Rich Lesser, outlines the crucial steps the US needs to take to overcome the pandemic. He explains that people of color, those over 65, and people with specific preconditions are more vulnerable to COVID-19. He references a BCG analysis which suggests that the US’s high pandemic-related death count comes from a combination of heightened exposure risk and a lack of sufficient testing. He urges business and political leaders to work together and learn from their past mistakes to defeat the virus.

    China Daily

    Accelerating a Green Recovery

    In her guest column for China Daily, BCG’s Carol Liao explains how China’s next five-year plan provides an opportunity for the country to ramp up its climate actions. She outlines how governments, businesses, and investors around the world can leverage the pandemic to advance the development of a green economy for the new reality. She believes that the government must prioritize stimulus strategies and focus on creating more green job opportunities, while businesses must emphasize climate in their investment allocation and management activities from the enterprise level.

    The Edge Singapore

    Finding Advantage in Adversity During COVID-19

    In his guest column for The Edge Singapore, BCG’s Jaime Ruiz-Cabrero explains how companies can use times of crisis and adversity as opportunities to transform for the new reality. He outlines the steps companies can take in the short term to overcome a crisis, including cash preservation, continual scenario planning, and rapid cost-takeout. Over the long term, he advises companies to transform to unlock new opportunities through zero-based budgeting, acquisitions, and digitalization.

    Financial Times

    What the Rich Are Still Spending

    The pandemic has forced even the wealthy to change their spending patterns, BCG’s Sarah Willersdorf explains to the Financial Times. According to the seventh edition of BCG’s “True-Luxury Global Consumer Insights” report, 57% of high-end shoppers have refrained from making purchases and investments they had planned before the pandemic. Willersdorf says, “ultra-high-net-worth individuals are still happy to spend, while the slightly less rich will trade down.”

    China Daily

    Auto Companies in the New Energy Era

    In his guest column for China Daily, BCG’s Gang Xu discusses the recent rapid growth of China’s new energy vehicle (NEV) market. He notes that uncertainties may indicate a coming restructuring of the industry. He explains that the overall profitability of China’s NEV industry is decreasing as other industry giants with stronger supply chains enter the market. Gang expects that auto players that actively seek transformation and strong user touchpoints will dominate the market; whereas those that lose touchpoints will be pushed out.

    Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

    So könnte die Weltwirtschaft nach Corona aussehen

    Ein siebenköpfiges Autorenteam des Beratungshauses BCG prognostiziert, dass das globale Handelsvolumen pandemiebedingt um mindestens 20 Prozent schrumpft und erst in drei Jahren das Vorkrisenniveau von rund 18 Billionen Dollar erreicht haben wird – das Zusammenspiel aus Weltwirtschaftskrise, härterer Gangart in der Geopolitik und neu justierten sowie teils renationalisierten Lieferketten zugleich aber schon jetzt tektonische Handelsverschiebungen in Gang setzt.


    Zehn-Billionen-Markt: Wie Maschinenbauer vom Klimaschutz profitieren

    Die Maschinenbaubranche steckt tief in der Coronakrise. Doch die gesamte Wirtschaft muss CO₂ senken – das birgt gewaltiges Potenzial, etwa im Anlagenbau. Vor allem für den deutschen Maschinenbau entstehe eine besondere Chance, ist Markus Lorenz überzeugt. Er ist Senior-Partner bei BCG und hat die Studie mitverantwortet. „Es gibt hier das Ökosystem mit der weltweit wahrscheinlich höchsten Leistungsfähigkeit.“


    Learning & Development: COVID-19 Pushes It from the Back Room into the Spotlight

    In his column for Forbes, BCG’s Grant Freeland discusses the limitations of remote learning and the importance of learning and development (L&D) during the COVID-19 pandemic. He writes that, given the speed at which technology and society are changing, the need for continuous learning, reskilling, and upskilling has never been greater. Freeland says broader L&D programs create a pool of agile employees, develop problem-solving managers, and inspire leadership in executives.


    Mehr Angebot als Nachfrage – die LNG-Blase droht zu platzen

    „Der globale LNG-Markt war schon vor Corona übersättigt“, erklärt Jens Burchardt, Energieexperte beim Beratungsunternehmen BCG den Preiseinbruch. „Die Nachfrage ist nicht in demselben Maß gewachsen wie die Kapazitäten.“ Vor allem in Asien habe sich der Markt nicht so schnell entwickelt wie gehofft. In Japan und Südkorea ging die Nachfrage sogar zurück. „Das hat zu einem Angebotsüberhang und gesunkenen Preisen geführt“, sagt Burchardt.

    Australian Financial Review

    The Need for Digital Transformation During the Pandemic

    BCG’s Stefan Mohr tells the Australian Financial Review that the pandemic is giving greater urgency to digital transformation. Citing research from BCG, Mohr explains that digital leaders outperform their peers in key areas including cost efficiency, product quality, customer satisfaction, and time to market. As the world rapidly changes, digital leaders will be the front-runners in the race for business survival, he says.