BCG in the News

905 Results


    Recovery Planning After COVID-19 Disruptions

    BCG’s Anthony Oundjian shared with ABS-CBN anchor, Cathy Yang, the three phases to deal with the COVID-19 crisis: React, Rebound and Reimagine. He highlighted the importance of planning for the long term. The Managing Director & Senior Partner at BCG Philippines also weighed in on the key takeaways of the Enhanced Community Quarantine (commonly known as ECQ) in the Philippines, including what has proven effective for leaders.


    Stress, Anxiety and Depression Will Always Be a Problem—So Let’s Start Addressing It Now

    In his guest column for Forbes, BCG’s Grant Freeland emphasizes the importance of mental health. He writes that being in a leadership position can often exacerbate pathologies like anxiety and depression. Freeland offers advice on how to change the mental health narrative and reminds leaders that “if you want to get the most out of your talent, their mental health needs to be a priority.”

    Gulf Business

    How COVID-19 is Changing the UAE’s Education System

    In an interview with Gulf Business, BCG’s Maya El Hachem discusses how the UAE’s education system can adapt to changes and challenges brought by the pandemic. She identifies the immediate priorities of school leaders, including training teachers to use digital learning tools and ensuring financial resilience. El Hachem emphasizes that “schools must prepare remedial and support plans” to “ensure students’ reintegration and readiness” for when they reopen.

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    Streitbare Anleger nützen auch den anderen

    Aktivistische Investoren haben nicht immer einen guten Ruf, ihr Engagement ist aber positiv für den Kurs.  Aktivistische Investoren kaufen eher kleinere Beteiligungen an öffentlich notierten Unternehmen, um Zugang zu Informationen zu erhalten und dann im Rahmen von zum Teil öffentlichen Kampagnen (offene Briefe oder Videobotschaften) Einfluss auf die Geschäftsentwicklung zu nehmen und eine Wertsteigerung der Aktien zu erreichen, sagt Rüdiger Wolf, Co-Autor der BCG-Studie „Aktivistische Investoren“. Ziel sei immer, durch Umsetzung ihrer Strategie den Kurs zu steigern.