BCG in the News

947 Results

    African Mining

    SA Mining Needs to Adapt to Ensure Sustainability

    According to a report titled Mining after Covid-19:The South African Case by the Boston Consulting Group, the impact of Covid-19 on the South African mining industry has been acute. The report states that that with continued uncertainty in the medium-term, but also given the prevailing structural challenges, mining companies in South Africa will have to adapt their operating models to ensure safety and sustainability.


    La empresa biónica: inteligencia humana y capacidades digitales

    La empresa biónica aspira a incrementar las capacidades de las personas que trabajan en ellas gracias a las soluciones digitales y tecnologías como la analítica avanzada. Llorenç Mitjavila y Félix Bejarano, socios de Boston Consulting Group, analizan en Expansión cómo la tecnología, los datos y las soluciones digitales pueden liberar el potencial de las organizaciones, consiguiendo que sean más ágiles y tomen mejores decisiones en un entorno incierto. Además comentan la importancia de su aplicación al negocio “el paradigma tecnológico cambia por completo: dispondremos de una cantidad tremenda de datos sobre los que podremos aplicar inteligencia artificial para resolver necesidades de negocio en tiempo real”.


    La salud, en el centro: cinco ejes para revolucionar el sistema

    Las principales pautas que reconocidos expertos destacan como palancas de transformación para aprovechar esta crisis como una oportunidad son: un modelo sanitario más integrado, un sistema dotado de más financiación, un sector que centra la inversión en plena pandemia, un impulso acelerado de la tecnología y una mayor concienciación sobre la salud individual y colectiva, como comenta María López, Managing Director and Partner de Boston Consulting Group “la pandemia ha abierto los ojos de la población y demostrado que la salud de la sociedad es vital para asegurar la salud individual”.

    The Edge Malaysia

    Building Digital Success with Women in Technology in Malaysia

    BCG’s Vaishali Rastogi writes for The Edge Malaysia about how to assess the landscape of women in technology and enhance inclusion, referencing BCG’s study done in partnership with Singapore’s IMDA and SG Women in Tech. According to the study, women account for only 32% of the technology workforce, compared with 38% of the total workforce in Southeast Asia. BCG’s Pauline Wray also analyzes the results of the study to find ways to champion women and benefit Malaysian business overall.


    In the New Year, You Should Be Able to Decide Not Only Where You Work, But When

    In her column for Forbes, BCG’s Deborah Lovich has some advice for employers: lighten up. She writes that employers need to recognize that the rhythm of the workday has changed as employees work from home, with, for example, more asynchronous and staggered hours. Lovich believes that the future of work is flexible, and she makes predictions based on evidence from the pandemic. She states that “the goal should be to fit work around life, rather than fitting life around work.”

    La revolución silenciosa en la publicidad digital

    El marketing digital vive una transformación acelerada por un mayor consumo digital derivado del Covid. Dicha transformación ofrece una oportunidad para aquéllos que están aprovechando el Zero, First y Second-Party Data, conceptos que detalla Javier Pérez Moiño, Managing Director and Partner de Boston Consulting Group en elEconomista. “Las compañías que aprovechan la Data propia y la integran en una visión completa de sus clientes, consiguen hasta duplicar el beneficio de sus acciones".

    The Sydney Morning Herald

    The Working from Home Expectation Gap Between Managers and Employees

    There is a "clear expectation gap between employee desires and the working models envisaged by their employers,” according to a recent BCG report. BCG’s Chris Mattey shares his remote work predictions with The Sydney Morning Herald. As only 15% of employees want to return to the office full-time, Mattey believes tension may arise in how organizations both attract and retain talent.


    Be Kind; Change the World

    In his 60th and final column for Forbes, BCG’s Grant Freeland ends on the topic he knows best: the importance of leadership. Freeland reviews the themes he discussed in his columns and the world-class business leaders he has profiled, and he shares some of his advice for the leaders of the future. He believes that “good leadership is a creative force,” and there are few times in modern history when great leaders were more needed than today.

    The Economic Times

    Five Things CEOs Can Do to Make 2021 Work

    In The Economic Times, BCG’s Alpesh Shah, Hans-Paul Bürkner, and Lars Fæste assert that uncommon opportunities can arise from turmoil and share five things they have learned from some of the world’s most talented CEOs: the importance of unleashing the power of the frontline, doubling down on a sense of purpose, going local and building bridges, integrating digital and technology into everything, and simplifying to generate the funds to fuel the journey. They write that “success is no longer just about optimizing margins, profit and Total Shareholder Return. Those things are still essential, but it is also critical to optimize Total Societal Impact.”


    What 2020 Taught Us About “Growing” Future Leaders

    BCG’s Debbie Lovich believes that the lessons from 2020 will be mined for years to come, specifically when it comes to developing leaders. In her column for Forbes, she shares three of these lessons for the new reality. First, employees identified as rising stars may not deliver great leadership. Next, a growth mindset requires “deliberate practice.” And finally, organizations have to “intentionally develop their leadership”—an effort that cannot start early enough.


    Experts’ Thoughts on the Road Ahead for Businesses and Reimagining the Future

    BCG’s Anthony Oundjian shares his perspective with BusinessWorld on the road ahead for businesses in the new reality. “Reimagination is the next step—this is about acknowledging that the world is going to be different [so we should] rethink business models accordingly,” Oundjian says. After efforts of reacting and responding to the disruptions caused by COVID-19, we now need to focus on reimagination, which will help businesses in planning for recovery and ensuring resilience in the future.


    Getting to the COVID-19 Finish Line: A Drama in Three Acts

    In this commentary for Fortune, BCG’s Rich Lesser and Marin Gjaja propose that the story of the end of the COVID-19 pandemic must unfold in three acts that require holistic and responsive strategies from all stakeholders. The first act is an “epinomic approach,” which involves balancing epidemiology and socioeconomics to manage risk. Act two requires a robust monitoring system of testing and tracing, with more “proactive screening testing of populations.” The final act is to complete the administration of vaccines. They write that “this is our last chance to take the off-ramp to the finish line. Let’s not waste it.”