BCG in the News

903 Results

    Channel News Asia

    Even with low prices, this is not the end of oil

    BCG’s Dave Sivaprasad shared about the future of oil amidst a challenging landscape. Today, the industry faces a triple shock of reduced demand, increased supply and a shortage of storage capacity to take up excess supply. All of this points to a sustained lower oil price for at least the next 12-18 months. These remarkable shocks come at a time when oil is battling an already hostile landscape. The ongoing energy transition has gained significant momentum in recent years, with growing focus on climate action, driving greater competition for capital between renewables and the fossil fuel industry. So, is this the end for oil? Simply put — no.

    Asian Power

    Shareholder Value and NOCs in a Transforming Oil and Gas Landscape

    BCG’s Arun Rajamani and Asheesh Sastry weighed in on the value of Total Shareholder Return for National Oil Companies (NOCs) in this ever-changing oil and gas industry. They shared a BCG analysis on how NOCs demonstrated the second-best returns of companies analysed, outperforming exploration and production companies, supermajors, and other areas of the industry. While this is a positive realisation for Southeast Asia, what can we learn from it moving forward?

    Slate Money

    BCG CEO Rich Lesser on Business Leader’s Critical Decisions during a Crisis

    In a podcast interview with Slate Money, BCG CEO Rich Lesser discusses critical decisions that business leaders must make regarding coronavirus. He explains the US stimulus bill and how the financial aid will be used to help local government, businesses, and citizens. Lesser emphasizes that business leaders need to show resilience and maintain the trust of critical stakeholders in these challenging times.

    Understanding the Economic Shock of Coronavirus

    In their featured article for, BCG’s Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak, Martin Reeves, and Paul Swartz discuss the looming global recession. They explain three models of economic “shock geometry” and two economic supply-side threats as a result of COVID-19. The authors evaluate the chances of preventing a U-shaped scenario, but conclude that “the battle is underway, and without innovation the odds are not in favor.”

    Die Presse

    E-Scooter schon vor neuen Regularien ausgebremst

    Wie Unkraut überwucherten elektronische Tretroller das Wiener Stadtbild. Zeitweise gab es mehr als zehn verschiedene Anbieter. Doch in Zeiten einer Virus-Pandemie verzichten die Städter auf Sharing-Konzepte. „Jetzt trennt sich die Spreu vom Weizen“, prophezeit Daniel Schellong, Experte der Boston Consulting Group (BCG), der „Presse“. Von den vielen E-Scooter-Firmen werden „am Schluss nur zwei bis vier Anbieter je Stadt übrig bleiben“.


    Leaders Should Be Humans First, Especially in Times of Crisis

    In his guest column for Forbes, BCG’s Grant Freeland writes that leaders should be professional and compassionate during a crisis. He cites an article by BCG’s Ben Horner which discusses the importance of offering mental health initiatives to workers. Freeland relays that during stressful times, “one of the best things we can do to help colleagues and customers is to listen, assure them they’re not in this alone, and let them know you care.”


    6 Steps to Sustainably Flatten the Coronavirus Curve

    In his featured article for Fortune, BCG’s CEO Rich Lesser highlights six ways industries can flatten the coronavirus curve. He advises companies and individuals alike on how they can use the pandemic as an opportunity to innovate in technology, communication, and healthcare. Lesser implies the time to act is now, “for the sake of our economy, the livelihoods of millions, and the health of our society, we have to get started.”

    CNBC Squawk Box

    BCG CEO Rich Lesser on Coronavirus Uncertainty

    In an interview with CNBC’s Squawk Box, BCG CEO Rich Lesser discusses how business leaders are navigating the uncertainty surrounding coronavirus. Lesser cites an article he wrote that advises businesses on how to innovate and adapt to the pandemic. He affirms that “we are going to need government leadership to make sure the technology is available and help set ground rules for privacy tradeoffs” to help adjust to a new reality.