BCG in the News

900 Results


    The Future of Azerbaijan’s Green Hydrogen Economy

    Commenting in Trend, BCG’s Vladimir Rogov says that Azerbaijan is well positioned to be a major player in green hydrogen production. He explains how the country’s high solar generation potential and cost-effective pipeline networks could ensure a strong competitive advantage for the country. As a result, Rogov predicts that Azerbaijan could earn an estimated $230 million–$500 million in revenue per year from hydrogen exports.

    The Jakarta Post

    Ten Ideas to Turn Indonesia’s Decade of Progress into a Century of Prosperity

    Writing in The Jakarta Post, BCG’s Haikal Siregar and Verra Wijaya outline Indonesia’s ambitious Visi Indonesia Emas 2045 plan, which aims to improve the country’s economy and reduce poverty rates. The authors discuss key priorities, including a shift towards green energy and investments in the digital economy. “Indonesia has beaten the odds and made incredible progress this past decade,” they write. “For this to continue in the century ahead, Indonesia needs to set the right priorities to achieve it.”


    What’s Missing from Your Company’s AI Transformation Is a Transformer

    Writing in Fortune, BCG’s François Candelon, Rémi Lanne, and Clément Dumas explain why some businesses are turning to AI transformers—they provide access to custom technology and support for talent, training, and change management. But many companies remain hesitant about working with AI startups. “For industry incumbents to get more out of AI, they need to change their mindset and their behaviors to allow for meaningful collaboration with transformers,” the authors write.

    CNN Business

    Addressing Generative AI’s Privacy Risks

    In CNN Business, BCG’s Steven Mills outlines how the widespread adoption of generative AI has created data privacy concerns among companies and regulators. With employees utilizing generative AI to perform day-to-day tasks, companies are at risk of inadvertently disclosing sensitive information. “My view of it right now is you should not put anything into these tools you don’t want to assume is going to be shared with others,” Mills says.


    How Geopolitical Factors Are Reshaping Global Trade

    Commenting in Reuters, BCG’s Marc Gilbert discusses how countries will need to consider geopolitical scenarios when reviewing their capital allocation and strategic planning. A decade of stagnant global trade growth and severed energy ties will entice countries to find new trading partners. “Geopolitical planning was for years a side issue in government relations departments—now it’s in the C-suite,” Gilbert says.

    Harvard Business Review

    Companies Are Failing Trans Employees

    Writing in Harvard Business Review, BCG’s Pierre Dupreelle, Michael Schachtner, Nadjia Yousif, Annika Zawadzki, and Kushal Khandhar outline strategies to create an inclusive workplace culture for transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) employees. According to a BCG survey, about 60% of TGNC employees reported 10 or more negative work experiences last year related to their gender identity or expression. The authors note that CEOs, HR departments, and managers, in particular, play a crucial role in ensuring a safe workplace environment for all employees.


    Why CEOs Remain Optimistic About Decarbonization

    Commenting in Fortune, BCG’s CEO Christoph Schweizer and BCG’s Thomas Baker discuss why CEOs remain bullish about decarbonization. They note the massive market opportunity for decarbonization, as well as the challenges leaders may face in their net-zero efforts, from talent shortages to the slow pace of clean energy initiatives. “It is not about cost and competitiveness or climate, but we would say, use climate to achieve both,” Schweizer says.

    Live Mint

    How India’s Media Landscape Is Evolving

    In Live Mint, BCG’s Shaveen Garg highlights the evolving consumer behaviors that are changing India’s media landscape. A BCG study found that, contrary to industry perception, women, small-town residents, and people over the age of 35 have significant digital influence. “Digital maturity has gone beyond the metros,” says Garg. “And it is time for media companies to realize that they need to address and convince wider audiences to consume their content.”


    Vitality: A Unique Lens for Understanding Companies’ Growth Potential in Turbulent Times

    Writing in Fortune, BCG’s Martin Reeves, Magdalena Krupa, and Adam Job outline the importance of “vitality” to assess an organization’s long-term growth potential. The authors find that companies with high vitality tend to outperform others in terms of revenue growth and shareholder returns. Companies can remain vital, they say, by prioritizing long-term growth over short-term gains, enhancing efficiency, and seeking growth beyond their core business.


    Servicio diferenciado, talento y canales de venta y marketing definidos para el éxito de las growth tech

    Forbes se hace eco del evento de Growth Tech en el que los expertos de BCG X compartieron sus experiencias capturando oportunidades de alto impacto en el negocio en como la optimización de precios con inteligencia artificial, la maximización del retorno del marketing digital, o la integración de inteligencia artificial en procesos industriales para mejorar la toma de decisiones de producción.


    El peso de la economía digital ya alcanza el 22,6% del PIB, aunque el crecimiento se ralentiza tras la pandemia

    La economía digitalizada española -definida como toda aquella actividad basada en bienes y servicios digitales- alcanzó el 22,6% sobre el total del PIB en 2022, un aumento de 0,6 puntos porcentuales respecto a lo marcado en 2020 (22%), según la tercera edición del informe Economía Digital en España. Mientras, entre 2019 (18,7%) y 2020 había aumentado 3,3 puntos porcentuales. Tanto Adigital como Boston Consulting Group, autores del informe, contextualizan esta ralentización en unos datos marcados, en todos los sentidos, por la pandemia.

    Bloomberg Daybreak: Europe

    How CEOs Are Building Resilience Despite Uncertainty

    In an interview with Bloomberg Daybreak: Europe (video—36:15 mark), BCG’s Global Chair Rich Lesser discusses the unprecedented challenges CEOs around the world are facing across industries from talent shortages to ongoing macroeconomic uncertainty. He outlines how leaders are responding to business disruptions and how they are working to build more resilient organizations. While layoffs in the tech sector have dominated headlines, Lesser says, other sectors have remained resilient.


    España puede alcanzar los 20 unicornios para fin de año y el peso de la economía digital aumenta

    Presentación del último informe de Economía Digital en España, elaborado por la Asociación Española de Economía Digital (Adigital) y Boston Consulting Group. “España es un país de Pymes. Son una parte substancial de la economía, mucho más que en Alemania o Francia. Pero hay que ayudar con este procesos de digitalización para que se vuelva parte central del negocio. Así se podrá aumentar la competitividad, liberando tiempo que se invierte en ciertos procesos que podrían digitalizarse”, ha explicado Pablo Claver, líder de la práctica de Organización y personas para Iberia y Latinoamérica de BCG durante la presentación del informe.