Our Latest Thinking on Technology, Media, and Telecommunications

TMT companies have an important—and growing—impact on the world, and many have seen great success in the last decade. But they’re also grappling with issues of privacy, influence, trust, and regulation. Explore our latest thought leadership on today’s key challenges, opportunities, and priorities.

Technology Industry

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The Art of Scaling GenAI in Software

It’s not just about coding—GenAI is reshaping every stage of the software development life cycle. How can organizations fully capitalize on its benefits?

Media Industry

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Why Video Streamers Need to Rebundle

Offering consumers right-sized bundles of services can help media companies reduce the high churn of pay-as-you-go streaming media and move toward profitability.


What’s Possible? GenAI and Media

Generative AI is already impacting consumer media, reshaping the landscape for publishing, broadcasting, movies, music, and gaming. BCG’s Axel Griewel discusses a transformation that's only just begun.

Telecommunications Industry

Expert Interviews


Content Creation Is Key to Marketing Success

Companies should prioritize content creation to build trust and engage audiences before launching products, says BCG’s Neal Zuckerman.


Harnessing the Power of GenAI in Customer Service

GenAI has the potential to help telcos save 70% of their customer service costs. BCG’s Ignacio Hafner discusses automation and augmentation—the two elements that will drive the most impact.


The Human Element of GenAI Transformation

Don’t view GenAI as solely a tech-driven transformation, argues BCG’s Iana Kouris. Improving adoptability means ensuring that the information is trustworthy and relevant to users.


Transforming B2B Sales

To capture the business value of predictive AI and generative AI, companies need to change the way they interact with customers. Salesforce’s Jean-Marie Pierron and BCG’s Adolfo Magan discuss a framework that can help telcos reshape B2B sales.

What’s Next for TMT


What's Possible? GenAI and Information Technology

Generative AI can be a formidable tool for IT leaders. But the near-term opportunities depend on your organization's digital maturity, as Vlad Lukic explains.


This is How To Counter the Global Digital Divide

Connectivity has become a conduit to information, communication, education, and societal well-being. BCG has teamed up with the WEF and UNDP to help ensure that everyone has access to these benefits.


Web3 Opens New Paths to Customer Loyalty

Customer engagement in loyalty programs has been stagnant for years. Web3 supports offerings, like nonfungible tokens (NFTs), that get customers more engaged—and companies creating more revenue.