
BCG Joins Télécom Paris Research Chair on Intelligent Cybersecurity for Mobility Systems (ICMS) for Four Years

Paris—BCG joins the Intelligent Cybersecurity for Mobility Systems (ICMS) research chair at Télécom Paris, France's leading general engineering school, for four years (2024-2028) in partnership with six other international companies and institute: IRT SystemX, Renault, Solent, Thales, Valeo and ZF Group. The aim of this chair is to develop world-class training and research opportunities in close collaboration with partners, whilst simultaneously helping manufacturers to resolve their cybersecurity issues.

With the proliferation of communication interfaces (connected keys, software updates, electric charging, etc.), the attack surfaces for connected vehicles are increasing manifold. The emergence of this new mobility, accelerated by the arrival of generative artificial intelligence, clarifies some of the most sensitive technical, social, ethical, economic, and legal challenges of digital transformation. In close collaboration with seven major actors from the corporate world, the chair focuses on the challenges associated with the cybersecurity of connected vehicles. Its work is centered on six main research areas:

  1. Risk analysis
  2. Detection of intrusion and abnormal behavior
  3. Protection of personal data in connected vehicles
  4. Cryptographic architecture and agility
  5. Identity authentication and behavioral fingerprinting
  6. Resilience by design

"Our goal is to raise this chair to an international standard of excellence. BCG's participation will help us structure our organization and achieve this stature" explains Professor Van-Tam Nguyen, Head of the Communications and Electronic Department (COMELEC) at Télécom Paris. "I'm also a firm believer in the importance of partnerships between researchers and companies at the fundamental research stage to foster future technology transfer. BCG's expertise in bridging the gap between academic research and industry needs will greatly enhance the applicability and success of our cyber security chair."

"We are delighted to be embarking on this adventure with Télécom Paris and the ecosystem of international partners that surround it. Through this chair, our goal is to develop an innovative approach to cybersecurity, tailored to the specific needs of the mobility industry. This collaboration will enable us to help customers implement cyberthreat protection strategies for connected vehicles", says Mikaël Le Mouëllic, Managing Director and Partner at BCG and Global Head of R&D.

Press contacts

Laure Mayoussier

Télécom Paris
Stéphane Potelle

About Télécom Paris

The world leader in digital engineering, Télécom Paris is recognized for its excellence, its proximity to companies and its high level of internationalization (44%). The first engineering school to adopt a raison d'être, it guarantees high employability across all business sectors thanks to a lifelong learning approach adapted to the key challenges of today's transitions. With its excellent teaching and innovative curriculum, Télécom Paris is at the hub of a unique innovation ecosystem involving an Interdisciplinary Innovation Institute (I3) and two Paris-based business incubators, including one at Station F. Its Information Processing and Communications Laboratory (LCTI) has been described by France's High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres) as a flagship unit in the field of digital sciences, with both a remarkable international reputation and an exceptional volume of activities aimed at the socio-economic world. A founding member of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Télécom Paris also comes under the auspices of the Institut Mines-Télécome (IMPT), a leading French institute of technology.

ボストン コンサルティング グループ(BCG)


