How We Support the CMO
industry-leading digital expertise helps address the full spectrum of CMO challenges, from the creative to the highly technical. We bring:
- Keen vision across, and comprehensive knowledge of, the marketing function, including digital and traditional channels, purpose, creative, analytics and AI, agile marketing, customer acquisition strategies, and
business innovation
- Growth-oriented measurement models and approaches to accelerate funding for innovative marketing approaches
- A deep understanding of CMOs’ relationships with the C-suite and board of directors, which enables them to collaborate more effectively with executives and advisors in other disciplines
- Optimized ways of working to enable marketing agility, adaptability, and a results-oriented focus—within and across teams
- Diverse practitioners who work shoulder to shoulder with marketing executives and their teams throughout the engagement to achieve CMO priorities and unite strategy with value
Our CMO consulting experts support chief marketing officers in their efforts to develop a coordinated and action-oriented CMO agenda that balances often-competing priorities to drive impact.
The New CMO Strategy: Collaboration
To thrive in their roles, marketing executives must translate their skills and expertise across the C-suite. CMOs and CIOs, for example, can unlock budgets and enhance investments in marketing talent, tools, and technology. CMOs and CEOs can work together to embed and nurture purpose across an organization while cementing loyalty among its customers. CMOs and COOs can build the systems and processes that support market leadership. CMOs and CFOs can collaborate to manage marketing as an investment for increasing returns.We help CMOs foster C-suite collaboration—and establish a shared view of measurement that aligns marketing with business impact—so they can shift perceptions of the marketing organization from a cost center to a growth platform.
- B2Cでは、消費者の人口統計的なプロファイルや感情・機能両面でのニーズなど、消費者自身と彼ら彼女らの「ディマンド・スペース」について理解する。
- B2B(企業間取引)では、ディマンド・スペースや組織のニーズを含めて、バイヤー、購買センター、アカウントについて理解する。
- ブランドのパーパス(存在意義)を再確認する。
- 自社のパフォーマンスと業界での立ち位置を理解する。
- 顧客データを強化し、保護し、活性化させる。
- 組織の
- データを軸とした測定アーキテクチャを開発する。
- B2Cでは、消費者向けのカスタマイズしたコンテンツと体験をチャネル全体にわたり拡大展開する。
- B2Bでは、コンテンツと体験を顧客の
- 効果的、効率的で拡張可能な戦術で顧客をターゲティングする。
- 顧客の支持とロイヤルティを促し育む。
- 社内で、および主要戦略パートナーとともにデータを軸としたマーケティングの組織能力を特定し構築する。
- テスト・アンド・ラーンのカルチャーに基づくアジャイル(俊敏)な意思決定プロセスを実行できるようにする。
- ブランドの健康状態とポジショニングを評価する。
- 統合されたコミュニケーション戦略と情報マネジメント・テクノロジーにより可能になる、デジタルファーストのコンテンツ作成を加速する。
- ブランドの健康状態の綿密な追跡を導入する。
Explore Our Insights for Chief Marketing Officers

Personalized: Customer Strategy in the Age of AI
The Future Is Mainstream Green: Introducing a New Growth Strategy
This is a guide for chief marketing officers to take green beyond niche and into the mainstream. Mainstream Green is about driving sustainable choices by all consumers, not just those who are moved by sustainable claims. To reach our collective climate ambitions, we need massive consumer change—a widespread embrace of new products, new services, new marketing, and new behaviors.
CMOs are well positioned to drive customer-centric change because they understand consumers’ concerns and aspirations and have a platform within companies to make change happen. By following this guide, CMOs can take practical steps toward helping us get to Mainstream Green.

Our Experts on the CMO Agenda