BCG CEO Rich Lesser Named the Top CEO for Large US Companies by Glassdoor

Approval Rating of 99% by BCG Employees Helps Drive Number One Position in Annual Rankings from One of the World’s Largest Job and Recruiting Sites

Boston Consulting Group (BCG) CEO Rich Lesser has been awarded the number one spot for US large companies in the annual Glassdoor Employees’ Choice Award honoring the top CEOs in 2021. Glassdoor, one of the world’s largest job and recruiting sites, released its annual award recognizing the top CEOs, which highlights leaders that employees love working for in countries throughout North America and parts of Europe.

Among chief executives recognized by employees in the US, Lesser received a 99% approval rating based on the anonymous and voluntary reviews BCG employees shared on Glassdoor throughout the past year.

At the end of September 2021, Lesser will have completed his third three-year term as BCG’s CEO and will transition into his new role as the firm’s global chair when recently elected Christoph Schweizer takes over as CEO.

“Hearing from BCG teams is critical for our leaders. Throughout the firm, we believe strongly in growing by growing others. This is a core principle embraced by all BCG leaders so that they can enable and empower strong teams to deliver value to our clients and communities every day. It’s wonderful to see Rich—and by extension our purpose and values—recognized in this manner based on employee feedback,” said Dinesh Khanna, a managing director and senior partner and the global chair of the People Team at BCG.

During his tenure as CEO, Lesser has led a major expansion of BCG, tripling the firm’s business and more than doubling its workforce to over 22,000 employees. The firm has expanded its footprint from 42 countries to 51, with a major emphasis on diversity and inclusion in all its markets. Today, women represent 44% of BCG’s global staff and 35% of its executive committee, and the number of female managing director and partners has grown at almost three times the rate of male managing director and partners.

Central to BCG’s success has been a rapid expansion in capabilities. BCG is now a clear leader in helping companies capture value from digital and analytics. The firm launched and scaled BCG Digital Ventures to collaborate with clients to build and accelerate the growth of digital businesses; BCG GAMMA to deliver cutting-edge advanced analytics, machine-learning, and AI capabilities; and BCG Platinion to bring industry-leading technology know-how to support digital transformations.

Lesser has championed BCG’s pioneering leadership on climate change, including its industry-first commitment to reach net-zero impact by 2030, with the launch of the BCG Center for Climate & Sustainability and by serving as the consultancy partner for COP26. Lesser serves as the chief advisor to the World Economic Forum’s Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders.

Lesser also oversaw the creation of BCG’s Centre for Public Impact, a not-for-profit foundation, and has accelerated BCG’s strong investments in social impact through its long-standing global partnerships—including with the World Food Programme, Save the Children, and the World Wildlife Fund—and collaborations with hundreds of NGOs and other organizations around the world. Learn more about Rich Lesser here.

For more information, please contact Eric Gregoire at +1 617 850 3783 or

About the Glassdoor Employees’ Choice Top CEOs Award for 2021

When employees submit reviews about their employer on Glassdoor, they are asked to rate several factors tied to their employment experience. These include rating sentiment around their CEO’s leadership as well as around senior management, among others. Specifically, when rating their CEO on Glassdoor, employees are asked to report whether they approve or disapprove of or have no opinion about their CEO’s performance.

Across the approximately 1.5 million employers reviewed on Glassdoor, the average CEO approval rating is 73 percent.

Employees’ Choice Award winners for the 2021 Top CEOs and Top CEOs at Small & Medium Companies are determined using Glassdoor’s proprietary algorithm, taking into account the quantity, quality and consistency of Glassdoor-approved company reviews shared by U.S.-based employees between May 2, 2020 and May 1, 2021. At a minimum, employers considered for the large list must have received at least 100 company reviews, including at least 100 CEO approval ratings and at least 100 senior management ratings.

For reporting simplicity, CEO approval ratings are displayed as whole numbers, though calculations extend beyond the thousandth decimal place to determine final rank order. Complete award methodology can be found and downloaded here:

About Glassdoor

Glassdoor combines all the latest jobs with millions of reviews and insights to make it easy for people to find a job that is uniquely right for them. As a result, Glassdoor helps employers hire truly informed candidates at scale through effective recruiting solutions like employer branding and employee insights products. Launched in 2008, Glassdoor now has reviews and insights for more than one million companies around the world. For more information, visit

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