Woman and child with smartphone in hand looking at aquarium



For many telcos, the transformation in the world around them is happening faster than the transformation within their own organization. As the telecommunications industry undergoes major shifts, telcos must shift, too.

How best to do that? The answer lies not in outdated business or operating models but in bolder ideas, strategies, and execution. This means applying transformative enablers such as artificial intelligence and agile ways of working, embracing end-to-end digitization, and taking new—even daring—approaches to network excellence.


Our Approach to Telecommunications Consulting

We help telcos transform their business—and the services and experiences they provide—by focusing on eight imperatives.


AI at Scale in Telco

Agile at Scale in Telco

Digital End-to-End Transformation

Center for Telco Networks


Our Client Impact in the Telecommunications Industry

Our telecommunications consultants have partnered with operators across the globe to bring new technologies, new experiences, and new possibilities to telco customers. Examples include:

BCG X and Orange Built a Customer-Centric Marketing Ecosystem

Replace product-centric marketing with an AI-driven, personalized strategy to reach the right customer with the right offer at the right time, no matter the channel.

Closing the Digital Divide in Schools

Millions of school children do not have internet access, impairing their ability to thrive in their local and global economies. BCG partnered with the ITU and UNICEF on the Giga initiative to close the digital divide and equip every child with digital connectivity.


Our Insights for Telecommunications Companies

Ensuring Digital Transformation Success

Patrick Forth, senior advisor, explains how you can successfully transform your organization.

This is How To Counter the Global Digital Divide

Connectivity has become a conduit to information, communication, education, and societal well-being. BCG has teamed up with the WEF and UNDP to help ensure that everyone has access to these benefits.

Our Telecom Consulting Leaders

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