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BCG Future Winning Modelシリーズ前編では、日本企業の競争力低下の実態と原因について、直近5~10年間を中心に分析しました。BCG、およびBHI独自のデータソース等から浮き彫りになる日本企業の現状を明らかにしたうえで、グローバル市場で勝つための第一歩として必要な「5つのグローバル標準の成功要諦」について論じています。

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「グローバル標準の成功要諦」を押さえて競争優位を築いている日本のベストプラクティス企業は、日本企業に認められる特徴を独自の強みへと進化させています。長期的なトレンドを踏まえた「未来に向けた成功要件」も考察したうえで、Future Winning Model実現のためになすべき4つのアクションを提示します。

CFO Excellence

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The Art of Capital Allocation

To help companies satisfy growth-minded investors, we outline best practices for the basic disciplines of capital allocation—strategic budgeting, project selection, and investment governance.

Business Strategy

Sustainability as Advantage

Digital Strategy and AI

The Rates of Success, Goals, and Future Priorities of Digital Transformations, by Sector - Rectangle

What the Data Tells Us About Digital Transformation, by Industry

In our December 2021 report, Performance and Innovation Are the Rewards of Digital Transformation, we explored three questions that we hear a lot from clients. How are companies in my sector doing? Is there any proof that transformations deliver real results? And where are leaders focusing their transformation programs?

Strategic Planning

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Building Your Uncertainty Advantage

For some companies, disruption is a risk to be avoided. For others, it’s an opportunity to be embraced. With better sensing, modeling, and planning capabilities, businesses can use upheaval as a catapult to success.

Family Business

BCG Classics Revisited


BCG Classics Revisited: The Experience Curve

The experience curve theory still holds, particularly in specific industries. But to succeed in today’s environment, many companies need to develop an additional kind of experience.


Corporate Finance and Strategy on LinkedIn

Visit our LinkedIn Showcase page for the latest on corporate finance and strategy from BCG.

Perspectives on Strategy and Value: Insights on creating sustainable value in an uncertain world.