BCG Henderson Institute







BCG、BCGヘンダーソン研究所の日本拠点となる BHI Japan を設立

BCGは、新たなビジネスアイデアを研究するグローバル組織「BCGヘンダーソン研究所(BHI)」の日本拠点、BHI Japanを設立しました。日本におけるさまざまな課題の解決に向けた研究および研究結果の国内外への発信と、グローバルBHIにおける多様な研究結果の日本向けの発信を担います。

BHI JAPANについて詳しく見る


  • Strategy Lab. Led by Martin Reeves, the team helps identify and develop ideas that will change the way leaders think about strategy. They also research topics like resilience and navigating uncertainty, imagination and innovation, and corporate vitality.
  • Tech and Biz Lab. Led by François Candelon, this team helps leaders navigate the rapidly changing technology landscape. Some of the team’s current research themes include topics such as AI competitiveness, deep tech, and AI and society.
  • Center for Climate & Sustainability. Led by David Young, this team explores sustainability as a source of competitive advantage and the hidden dynamics of the energy and sustainability transition.
  • Center for Macroeconomics. Led by Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak, this team publishes economics commentary in external publications and technical research for BCG’s clients. The team also translates global macro for senior executives and investors in all industries and all geographies.

BCG Henderson Institute Newsletter: Insights that are shaping business thinking.